Welcome on


An interactive learning program of
urinary diagnosis


With the collaboration of
the Institute of Clinical Chemistry, of the InselSpital/University Hospital Bern
and of
the Unit of Teaching Media (AUM)
Institutte of Medical Teaching (IML)
Faculty of Medicine , University of Bern


English version:
Dr med. vet. E. Peheim
Prof. Dr med. J.P. Colombo
Dr med. G. Printzen
Dr med. U. Woermann, MME
Dr med. M. Rossier
Urinary sediments images :

Illustrations and animations:
Content revision:
Idea, programming and layout:
Dr med. vet. E. Peheim
H. Aeschbacher
B. Boog
W. Hess
M. Montandon
Dr med. U. Woermann, MME

Contact: Dr med. U. Woermann, AUM